Niedawno The Linux Foundation ogłosiła zmiany we własnym egzaminie CKAD (Certified Kubernetes Application Developer). W ramach zmian przeprojektowano zakres wymagany do egzaminu. W większości przypadków zmiany oznaczają poszerzenie materiału wymaganego do egzaminu.
Aktualny zakres egzaminu
20% | Application Design and Build | Define, build and modify container images Understand Jobs and CronJobs Understand multi-container Pod design patterns (e.g. sidecar, init and others) Utilize persistent and ephemeral volumes |
25% | Application Environment, Configuration and Security | Discover and use resources that extend Kubernetes (CRD) Understand authentication, authorization and admission control Understanding and defining resource requirements, limits and quotas Understand ConfigMaps Create & consume Secrets Understand ServiceAccounts Understand SecurityContexts |
20% | Application Deployment | Use Kubernetes primitives to implement common deployment strategies (e.g. blue/green or canary) Understand Deployments and how to perform rolling updates Use the Helm package manager to deploy existing packages |
20% | Services and Networking | Demonstrate basic understanding of NetworkPolicies Provide and troubleshoot access to applications via services Use Ingress rules to expose applications |
15% | Application Observability and Maintenance | Understand API deprecations Implement probes and health checks Use provided tools to monitor Kubernetes applications Utilize container logs Debugging in Kubernetes |
Poprzedni zakres egzaminu
13% | Core Concepts | Understand Kubernetes API primitives Create and Configure Basic Pods |
18% | Configuration | Understand ConfigMaps Understand SecurityContexts Define an application’s resource requirements Create & consume Secrets Understand ServiceAccounts |
10% | Multi-Container Pods | Understand Multi-Container Pod design patterns (e .g. ambassador, adapter, sidecar) |
18% | Observability | Understand LivenessProbes and ReadinessProbes Understand container logging Understand how to monitor applications in Kubernetes Understand debugging in Kubernetes |
20% | Pod Design | Understand how to use Labels, Selectors, and Annotations Understand Deployments and how to perform rolling updates Understand Deployments and how to perform rollbacks Understand Jobs and CronJobs |
13% | Services & Networking | Understand Services Demonstrate basic understanding of NetworkPolicies |
8% | State Persistence | Understand PersistentVolumeClaims for storage |
Zgodnie z opisem podanym na stronie nowe zmiany obowiązują od 28 września 2021. Co ważne egzaminy oraz podejścia poprawkowe zarezerwowane przed tym terminem realizowane będą jeszcze starym trybem.
Co się zmieniło?
W nowym zakresie do egzaminu dodane następujące zagadnienia:
Define, build and modify container images |
Use Kubernetes primitives to implement common deployment strategies (e.g. blue/green or canary) |
Use the Helm package manager to deploy existing packages |
Understand API deprecations |
Discover and use resources that extend Kubernetes (CRD) |
Understand authentication, authorization and admission control |
Jak zapoznać się z nowym zakresem?
Jak już wcześniej pisałem, moim zdaniem najlepszy kurs do nauki do egzaminu CKAD („Kubernetes Certified Application Developer (CKAD) with Tests”) został przygotowany przez Mumshad Mannambetha. W ramach tego kursu pojawiła się już aktualizacja, która zawiera materiał związany z nową wersją egzaminu.

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