Hi. In this article, I will provide you with free study materials for CKA – Certified Kubernetes Administrator exam study material to help you pass the exam.
This is a continuation of the series related to free exam materials that I started with the post Free CKAD Exam Materials – Kubernetes Certified Application Developer.
What is the Certified Kubernetes Administrator certificate? This certificate confirms that a person has the skills, knowledge and competence to be a Kuberentes administrator. In particular, he or she knows how to install and configure a Kuberentes cluster. In addition, he or she understands the concepts of networking, security and monitoring.
Online courses
Similar to the CKAD exam here it is also difficult to find free online courses. However, I did find a very solid online course on Youtube created by John Tucker.

The course consists of 36 parts covering the scope of the exam. For each part we have prepared a youtube video and additional materials on github. The course can be found at: https://github.com/larkintuckerllc/k8s-cka-tutorial
Kubernetes Certification Exam Environment Preview
The Linux Foundation prepared a short video showing what the environment looks like for the Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS), Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) or Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) exams. It’s worth taking a look there to find out what to expect during the exam.
Kubernetes Certification Exam Environment Preview
As with the CKAD exam, it is useful to have a basic knowledge of the VIM editor where we can edit YAML files. An online game called VIM Adventures can come to the rescue, where we use the instructions from the VIM editor to play an RPG game. There is only one level in the free version, but I still recommend it.

Link to game: https://vim-adventures.com/
Terraform K8s Lab Environment
While learning, it will be useful to have an environment where you can learn how to work on a real cluster. For this purpose, we can also run the environment on our local computer. The whole process is well described at : https://github.com/zloeber/k8s-lab-terraform-libvirt
You can find a very good set of exercises on GitHub that will prepare you for the exam. Exercises cover the main topics that you need to know during the exam. For each exercise we have also given the solution. Link to exercises: https://github.com/chadmcrowell/CKA-Exercises
You can find a variety of workshops on the Katakoda portal, including those related to the CKA exam.

Below are some sample workshops you can do online:
https://www.katacoda.com/djkormo/ (Kubernetes for CKA)
Identical to the CKAD exam, we can use official documentation during the exam. Below I present you two subpages, which contain information about the most commonly used instructions when working with Kubernetes cluster:
Example questions
You can find several sets of sample questions on GitHub that are very similar to the exam. I think if you can solve them, you should already be pretty well prepared for the exam. Links to the sets:
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